To help you get started with connecting your service to the Marketplace, this page summarizes the key steps. More detailed information is linked from here.

1.) Contact:

Are you interested in offering your service in the Marketplace? Please describe briefly what your service should be able to do and fill out our contact form . If you have any questions, please contact us at Together we will check whether and at what conditions your service can be offered and clarify your questions.

2.) Provide documents and information:

If your service is to be offered in the Marketplace, general information, documents, logos, descriptive texts, etc. about your services will be required and made available to our customers. The required information can be found under provider admission . Upon receipt, we will maintain them in the Marketplace. Our product management will request the required information by mail at the appropriate time.

3.) onOffice provider client:

We will create an onOffice client for you to familiarize yourself with the software. In this provider client, all purchases that customers have made with your service are listed.

You will receive the access data by e-mail. Detailed information about onOffice enterprise can be found in the online help and in the Marketplace area. Please check if you can see “Sandbox” in the top right menu bar. It is not necessary to create your own Marketplace account in the account management, we will do it for you. Check if an account has already been created in the account management . If this is not the case, please contact your contact person from product management or

4.) Payment processing:

Payment processing for your services takes place via the payment provider Mangopay . You will receive an account there, which we will set up for you. The income from the purchases in the Marketplace can then be transferred to your own account via a pay-out.

5.) Data exchange via API:

Data exchange between onOffice enterprise and your service takes place via API. To use our API, it is convenient to use our API SDK in PHP . Also the connection in other programming languages is possible, but then timestamp and HMAC must be generated by yourself. Besides the general calls to read and write data, there are some special marketplace calls. For security reasons, you must supply the “extendedClaim” parameter with each API call. You can find more information about the “extendedClaim” here.

6.) Implement activation:

Before customers can use your service, they must first activate it. In the process, information and the customer’s API credentials are transferred to you. You save these. The lower part of the activation popup is integrated via iFrame and has to be programmed by you.

The easiest way is to use our already existing program code for it, and adapt it individually if necessary. You can use the source files for the unlocking process for this, which will provide you with the API user data. In the source files for the activation process, the API call Activate provider is called with the passed data (parameterCacheId) to activate your provider for the customer in the Marketplace.

7.) Integrate demo store:

In the next step, you make your services available in the Marketplace. We already provide code for a demo service for this purpose, which you can use for connection and testing. With the demo store already you have the possibility to make payments and purchases within the service and test them. Use demo store website in PHP as a template for your store. Then your demo service should already be visible under Marketplace >> Overview .

8.) Program and integrate service:

Next, program your own service and replace the demo store with your service. The basics from our demo store implementation can be used. Once your service is completed, let our product management know. Your service is then tested by our test department and is then released to the production system for customers to use. Before that, everything takes place in a sandbox environment where you can test and simulate purchases. For this purpose, test credit cards are used, the numbers of which you can find at Mangopay . One payment method should already be entered, and you enter additional payment methods in the Marketplace account .

9.) FAQ / Notes:

– API key (Secret) of the Marketplace API user vs. provider secret : Please do not confuse the two different Secrets that are used. The secret, also called API key, of your API user is explained here. The provider secret is required when signing and is explained in more detail here.

– Do not create your own API user: You do not need to create your own API users in the customer versions of onOffice enterprise. Here in the Marketplace, the API users through which your service exchanges data with onOffice enterprise are automatically created when you activate your service.

10.) Support and Help:

– Check out our technical documentation here to learn more about what you can do with the Marketplace.
– If you have any technical questions, feel free to contact our Marketplace support at
– You can find information on how the Marketplace works and which other providers are already available in the online help for Marketplace customers .
– The API documentation describes which options exist for exchanging data with your service / which data can be queried and written from enterprise.

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